Monday, May 28, 2012

1,000 gummies every wednesday!!!

Every Wednesday Sparkle's Cookie is Giving away 1,000 Gummies to one lucky Pico! All you have to do is add me on Facebook and type in "1,000" in facebook chat and I'll send you your gummies DISCLAIMER:This is NO hack,scam,and or cheat,This is sparkle's Cookie's LEGIT earned gummies we will NOT spam you with crazy messages or anything like that! in fact after we're done we delete you as a friend to prevent any unwanted messages coming your way we only like to give away free LEGIT stuff to pico users NOT BY HACKING!!!!! CONGRATS! to ♫ ASDFGHJKL ♫ for winning today's gummies!
~Enjoy the cookies and milk. Sparkle111000